Catch Dr. Pierre on Seeking Wellness every 4th Saturday of the month on 89.5 FM WPKN at 9am.
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October 2020 Topic: CBD & Medical Marijuana: Facts Over Fiction
In this month's Seeking Wellness show, Dr. J discusses CBD and medical marijuana. Joining the discussion is medical cannabis expert Dr. Junella Chin. Dr. Chin is an integrative medical cannabis physician with extensive training in integrative medicine and pain management. Dr. Chin is an advocate for better understanding of the science and medicine of cannabis.
Listen in to learn the differences between cannabis and CBD, quality considerations, myths about medical cannabis and advances in medical cannabis legislation. You will also learn how to find a physician who is knowledgeable in prescribing either option and potential contraindications. Lastly, the doctors discuss patient populations that can benefit from cannabis and CBD. For more information, contact Dr. Junella Chin and read her book, Cannabis and CBD for Health and Wellness.